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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Old Fashion Sugar Free Applesauce

One of the most amazing tools the apple peeler that cores and slices. What to do with sad apples?  Make apple sauce of course!  When I was growing up my Mom made her sauce with diet Shasta soda.  Since the glorious flavor of saccharin is so hard to find these days, I decided to go the sugar free route.

from: Lost Recipes by Marion Cunningham

3 or more cups

apples sliced and cored 4 or more just adjust water amounts
water 1/2 c per 4 apples
sugar if needed...I used none
3T lemon juice

~put apples and water in saute pan
~cook on medium 
~stirring often
~apples should be tender in 5-6 minutes
~add sugar if needed and lemon juice
~blend well 
~cook for another minute or two
~mash with fork or use an immersion blender to break up skin

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Planting Day and list of pesticides in fruits and vegetables

 Today we are planting seeds to start our winter garden, yeah! Seeds purchased from Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Company.

*cauliflower (purple of sicily)*cucumber (hmong red)*cardoon (gobbo di nizzia)*herbs (borage, cumin, thai dill, caraway, fenugreek)*squash (zucchino rampicante)*pepper (purple beauty,corno di toro giallo)*lettuce (rouge d'hiver)*radish (chinese red meat)*beans (aquadulce fava)

list from
Food News

The Full List: 49 Fruits and Veggies

from best to worst

Rank Fruit or Veggie
1 (Best) Onions
2 Avocado
3 Sweet Corn (Frozen)
4 Pineapples
5 Mango (Subtropical and Tropical)
6 Sweet Peas (Frozen)
7 Asparagus
8 Kiwi Fruit (Subtropical and Tropical)
9 Cabbage
10 Eggplant
11 Cantaloupe (Domestic)
12 Watermelon
13 Grapefruit
14 Sweet Potatoes
15 Honeydew Melon
16 Plums (Domestic)
17 Cranberries
18 Winter Squash
19 Broccoli
20 Bananas
21 Tomatoes
22 Cauliflower
23 Cucumbers (Domestic)
24 Cantaloupe (Imported)
25 Grapes (Domestic)
26 Oranges
27 Red Raspberries
28 Hot Peppers
29 Green Beans (Imported)
30 Cucumbers (Imported)
31 Summer Squash
32 Plums (Imported)
33 Pears
34 Green Beans (Domestic)
35 Carrots
36 Blueberries (Imported)
37 Lettuce


38 Grapes (Imported)
39 Potatoes
40 Kale / Collard Greens
41 Cherries
42 Spinach
43 Sweet Bell Peppers
44 Nectarines
45 Blueberries (Domestic)
46 Apples
47 Strawberries
48 Peaches
49 (Worst) Celery

Save the bees don't use pesticides

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Food Arts Article

If you can get a hold of Food Arts Magazine, you must read Big Bang Book.  The article opens the pages of Nathan Myhrvold newest book Modernist Cuisine: The Art and Science of Cooking.  Fascinating!  Although a bit odd in their constant references to Outliers Theory by Malcolm Gladwell. (A book I did read and liked until the end when it was all about the author, boring.)   The article for the food trade explores cooking science and the awesome tools/machine molecular chefs play with. Oh, when will they morph into items for home use?   The few pictures from the book are artful and filled with bits of science geek data.  Bisected pot of steaming broccoli explains the dynamics of steaming and answers the burning question why steaming is often slower then boiling.  Although boiling is so 1960's.  Practical uses for the everyday cook includes test tube used to hold spices.  A great idea for those who purchase bulk. Sadly, I like many others can not afford the dream tools of the trade and safety issues would curtail the use of 1,980 degree propane generated flame.  Towards the end of the article, a table of envy list hot molecular equipment: liquid nitrogen, modern combi oven, vacuum sealer (I have one), homogenizer, pacojet (a dream for me), vacuum pump and so on.  To live the dream I will be contacting my library to purchase Mr. Myhrvold detailed data so I can pour through it and gain a better understanding of all my cooking screw ups.
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