Thursday, April 12, 2012

Blood Orange Sorbet

About five or six years ago I planted a blood orange tree and we have waited and waited and waited for a bud and nothing so finally I had enough and last year I threaten the tree with removal.  My youngest laughed at me.  Lo and behold this year we have buds and fruit! Who says talking to your plants is a load of butter spread?  So, I am happy my youngest amazed and the tree gave me the finger by only fruiting on one side - so bizarre but I will take what I can get.
My oranges will not be ready until December; however, I found some at Trader Joes and decided to give sorbet a whirl in anticipation of my crop.

 visit my garden blog for tips on growing blood oranges

Blood Orange Sorbet

sorbet base from

The Ciao Bella Book of Gelato & Sorbetto

Simple Syrup
makes 1 1/3 cups

1 cup of filtered water
1 cup sugar

~Combine water and sugar in medium saucepan
~ heat on medium high heat
~ whisk and bring to a boil
~ reduce heat to medium
~ continue to whisk and simmer 4 minutes until sugar is dissolved
~ remove from heat and cool
~ place in a Pyrex and refrigerate at least 1 hour

1 cup blood orange juice [adjust to your taste]
1 recipe of simple syrup
1T key lime zest
splash of vodka

~ blend all ingredients together
~ make according to ice cream makers instructions



  1. What a gorgeous color! I'd love a scoop :)

  2. lol I'm glad your tree listened to you because this sorbet looks very yummy.

  3. Congrats on your upcoming fruit crop! Your sorbet is so vibrant and wonderful :)

  4. This sorbet looks so yummy. I have been seeing so many recipes on blogs for sorbets, I am now thinking that I will have to try making sorbet. This recipe would be a great one to start with. I am happy that you will get some fruit on your tree this year.

  5. What a brilliant coloured sorbet! Sounds great for the Indian summer.

  6. The sorbet looks beautiful. A perfect summer dessert.
