Tuesday, January 17, 2012

S'More Bon Bon

Executive Pastry Chef Ben Roche at Moto in Chicago creates the most amazing S’More Bombs.  So of course when I got my hands on his recipe, I had to give them a try the amateur way … without all of the necessary tools (I hang my head in shame considering my kitchen is overflowing with gadgets but not one sphere ice cube tray, ugh).  Time to pull out my brand spanking new Vitamixer, love it!  Everyone thought these were the bomb!  Even though they were wickless.  Next time suggestions from the peanut gallery – add some toasted marshmallow either under the chocolate (ha, that should make the chocolate stick better) or on the outside of the chocolate

I scooped my spheres or I should say oblongs.  You must use a Vitamixer and because the graham cracker emulsifies with the milk and becomes one.  The flavor is cool graham cracker richness.


Then attempted to dip in chocolate (fail)  I must seek out cocoa butter – but where?  Google and you will get 100’s of hits for lotion.  I need to call local health food stores.

S’More Bon Bons

Inspired by Ben Roche
His recipe follows

Graham Cracker Frozen Ice Milk
30 Servings
1 packs (120g) graham crackers
1 1/2 cups (350 ml) whole milk
1 T (15 g) dark brown sugar
~ place all the above into high speed blender, blend 1-2 min. until puree becomes warm so the fat from the graham crackers can emulsify with the milk.
~ chill puree in an ice bath or covered in the refrigerator.
~ make in ice cream maker according to manufacture
~ freeze overnight.
~ scoop out into rounds and place on parchment paper
~place back into freezer several hours or overnight
and here is where it went wrong for me…
the chocolate dip so read below

From Food Arts Magazine
Ben Roche

50 Servings
Graham cracker puree:
2 packs (240g) graham crackers
3 cups (700 ml) whole milk
2 T (30 g) dark brown sugar
~  place all the above into high speed blender, blend 1-2 min. until puree becomes warm so the fat from the graham crackers can emulsify with the milk.
~ chill puree in an ice bath or covered in the refrigerator.
~ pour into ice cube trays, preferably a 2 part ice cube tray that makes spheres for the 'bomb' like look.  Freeze overnight.
~  remove frozen graham spheres from trays.
~  reserve in freezer.
Chocolate Covering:
6 1/2 T (100 g) cocoa butter
17 1/2 oz (500 g) dark chocolate
~  heat cocoa butter and chocolate together in your microwave to approximately 100 degrees F or until completely melted (stir occasionally so cocoa butter doesn't separate from the chocolate.)
~  press a wooden skewer (I used lollipop sticks but a pointed skewer would probably work better) into each frozen graham cracker ball.
~ dip in chocolate coating.  Tap each ball a few times to remover chocolate and get a thinner and crisper chocolate shell.
~  place on a plate or try lined with plastic or a non-stick baking mat.
~ remover skewer when chocolate has set. (a few seconds).  Make sure to leave a hole for the 'wick.'
~ reserve in refrigerator a minimum of three hours for the frozen graham crackers to melt back into a liquid
back into a liquid state. 
Marshmallow "wicks:"
12 Dried cellophane noodles (thicker varieties work best)
~  heat oil in medium saucepan over medium low heat to 350-400 degrees. 
 ~  deep fry cellophane noodles until the pull and crisp up (about 10 seconds); remover from oil.
~ set on paper towels to drain and dry.
~ break into 1 1/2 to 2 inch long 'wicks' by hand; reserve in a dry place.
~ insert wick in ball.
~ plate a single ball on each plate
~ light the wick; once it burns out eat the bomb and wick all in one bite!


  1. I think your s'more Bon bon great, and not bad at all, looks delish! good work!


  2. These sound really good. I need a Vitamixer!!!

  3. I'm jealous of your Vitamixer. What a great tool! Those bonbons look amazing - I would have never thought that's milk and graham crackers.

  4. D'aww, these are the cutest little things! I can only imagine how tasty they are :) Great little recipe!

  5. I love smores! And these look fun to make.

  6. This is brilliant! They look so delicious. I love s'mores :)

  7. OMG drooling over here! This recipe sounds amazing. I must absolutely try this out asap! I have no sphere ice cube tray either but I will try my darndest to make it work! Awesome recipe!

  8. Wow, I bet these went over incredibly well in your house! Looking forward to trying this one out in mine :)

  9. My goodness. Those look way to delicious for words.

  10. Wiping the drool from the keyboard and wishing I had a Vitamixer.

  11. totally wishing we had a Vitamixer so we could make these...these look yummy!

  12. How fun are these? What a fancy little s'more. I'm thinking... Oscar Night!
    Thanks for the FB friend add.
