Thursday, June 9, 2011

Home Grown Tomatoes

three types of tomatoes

If you purchase your tomatoes at the grocery store you may never know the goodness of this fruit.  Tomatoes are one of the easiest things to grow.  My favorite so far this year is the small round cherry.  So sweet with a crunch when you bite through the skin.  Several of my plants sprouted from tomatoes gone bad and tossed in my garden.  In fact, today I noticed one just plant growing through my asian pear tree and it was almost 6 feet tall.  About half of my plants this year are in pots as a experiment to see if they would remain free of those nasty tomato horn worms.  So far, only one very large one found that I picked off and disposed of in the trash can.  I read that some squish them but I don't have the stomach for that, yeeeccchhh!

Grab a pot and grow a tomato plant

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