Sunday, May 22, 2011

I need to start a garden blog

I adore my garden.  First thing every morning I walk my front and backyard.  Nature is the purest form - relaxation.  Seeing and hearing bees buzzing, humming birds stalking (yes, they follow me around), yellow and red birds collecting seeds, night owl wooing, Monarch butterflies and caterpillars, lizards and the all time favorite roadrunner along with the occasional squirrel, racoons, rat (my nemesis), snake, rabbit, doves...brings me joy.  So, I share with you my delightful little space on this earth.

Step into my garden...

this is my smiling dragon fly
who let me walk up to
flew up and down
striking a new pose for the camera each time

the stalker
at least one of the stalkers
these funny humming birds follow us around 
 often closely sitting and observing our every move
apricots are my favorite fruit
we planted this tree 12 years ago
lovely*amazing* wonderful* plentiful
the melon
we are not quite sure what kind of melon
until this melon appeared 
I thought it was a cucumber plant
we are semi successful here
last year leaf hoppers attacked
so this year we are on the look-out
we started with one plant 
the lazy little eaters
didn't throw away the left-overs
they just threw them in the planters
now we have many pomegranate bushes
last year I hit the seed bank in Petaluma Ca
I was intrigued 
Gobbo Di Nizzia
our favorite to look at
abundant for about three weeks
before the heat
birds get the top half
of the tree
we enjoy the lower half
the most under appreciated fruit
happy tree as you can see
fruit fruit and more fruit
aloe and cauliflower
two types of aloe
purple cauliflower
black raspberries
every year I search
for new berry plants
for our zone 9
grow staples
save seeds

One of the greatest gifts I have given to my children - appreciate and respect of nature
and my husband too


  1. What beautiful pictures...your garden looks magical!

    Thanks for the add on Food Buzz! I do love meeting new foodie bloggers! All the best!
