Saturday, January 15, 2011

Wild Mushroom Risotto

We all really enjoy risotto and mushroom just happens to be our favorite.  Like fondue you need to stir, stir, stir or it will stick and gum up.  Done right, you will feast on a rich flavorful dish that your kids will gobble up.

soak dried mushrooms and save the liquid

cook fresh mushrooms one type at a time

heat rice 

Wild Mushroom Risotto
from Maria Helm Sinskey
The Vineyard Kitchen

1 pound cremini mushrooms
3 1/2 oz fresh shiitake mushrooms
4 oz dried mushrooms or more
4 cups filtered water
extra virgin olive oil
2 large shallots peeled, trimmed and minced
1 large garlic clove, peeled, trimmed and minced
1T fresh thyme leaves
sea salt
freshly ground pepper
8 cups vegetable broth
1 medium sweet onion minced
4 cups arborio rice
1 cup dry white wine
1/4 cup chopped Italian parsley
reggiano parmesan

~ add dried mushtooms to 4 cups hot water
~ slice fresh mushtooms
~ heat saute pan over high heat add 1T olive oil
~ add cremini mushrooms with some of the shallots, garlic and thyme leaves until they are golden and most of the juices are almost dry 5 to 10 minutes
~ remove cremini and saute the shiitake mushrooms in the same manner
~ remove hydrated dried mushrooms from liquid and reserve liquid
~ saute them as well
~ combined all the mushrooms
~ combined the stock and reserved mushroom liquid in a large pot and bring to a boil
~ in a large cast iron skillet set at medium high heat
~ add 2T olive oil
~ add onion and saute until translucent 4 minutes
~ season with salt and pepper
~ add rice and stir until thoroughly heated
~ add white wine and bring to a boil while stirring constantly until wine is completely absorbed by the rice
~ add 6oz of stock at a time to the rice stirring constantly and adding more as it is absorbed
~ keep adding more liquid until it becomes the texture you desire
~ serve immediately
~ garnish with cheese grated with a micro grater

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