Sunday, December 19, 2010

Portobello Burgers with Red Pepper and Gorgonzola

YUM!  I made these before our invasion and they were so truly scrumptious I plan on making them again soon.  The kids liked them too...once they picked off the bell pepper.  

Fresh herbs a garden staple, we grow thyme, several types of basil, marjoram, oregano, sage, stevia, dill, fennel, rosemary, cilantro, chives, salad burnett, and more I can not think of right now.  I highly recommend growing herbs.  Although we grow our herbs outside, they are easily grown indoors.


Portobello Burgers with Red Pepper and Gorgonzola 
from Sara Moulton Cooks at Home

4 large portobello mushrooms, stemmed removed
1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
3 garlic cloves minced
1T fresh thyme chopped
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil, more from brushing
2 small red bell peppers, organic if available
kosher salt and freshly ground pepper
1/2 cup crumbled Gorgonzola cheese
4 slices of rustic bread
1/2 cup low fat mayonnaise
5T shredded fresh basil

~ wipe mushroom caps and with a small spoon scrape out the gills
~ combined and whisk vinegar, garlic, thyme, and 1/4 cup olive oil
~ put mushrooms in shallow glass dish
~ pour vinegar mixture over mushrooms and let sit at room temperature for an hour
~ heat bbq
~ set pepper on grill turn as skin blackens
~ remove blackened peppers and place in glass bowl and cover with baking sheet until cool enough to handle
~ cut peppers into strips
~ remove mushrooms from marinate and season with salt and pepper
~ add about a tablespoon of marinate to mayonnaise 
~ place mushrooms cap side up on bbq until darken and slightly soften 2 to 3 minutes
~ turn grill for another 2 to 3 minutes
~ when mushroom are just about tender place cheese into the cavity of each cap
~ brush bread with olive oil and place on the bbq until slightly toasted turning often
~ assemble slather mayonnaise on bread, place mushroom atop, place red pepper strips and shredded basil on mushroom 

Our broccoli is almost ready to pick.

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