Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Old Fashion Sugar Free Applesauce

One of the most amazing tools the apple peeler that cores and slices. What to do with sad apples?  Make apple sauce of course!  When I was growing up my Mom made her sauce with diet Shasta soda.  Since the glorious flavor of saccharin is so hard to find these days, I decided to go the sugar free route.

from: Lost Recipes by Marion Cunningham

3 or more cups

apples sliced and cored 4 or more just adjust water amounts
water 1/2 c per 4 apples
sugar if needed...I used none
3T lemon juice

~put apples and water in saute pan
~cook on medium 
~stirring often
~apples should be tender in 5-6 minutes
~add sugar if needed and lemon juice
~blend well 
~cook for another minute or two
~mash with fork or use an immersion blender to break up skin

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